Teaching and learning often happen whenever people come together to explore topics of mutual interest. From just two people up to hundreds at a time, the alchemy of teaching can happen. Teaching is an activity I have long revered as it brings the treasury of human experience to bear on the present moment. In the process of teaching, a person must mine their own essence and offer their presence to those who gather at a given time and, in so doing, the teacher often awakens the best possible in each who hears them.
In my teaching, I endeavor to share presence, pith and the practicalities of navigating life. In each seminar, I bring together the many streams of teaching that I have encountered as both teacher and student into a rich and engaging tapestry of information and experience for each participant. Through presentation of information, discussion and meditation practice together, seminars provide an optimal environment to explore both the infinite ways of engaging the world and the endless inquiry that is the human journey.
To explore teaching one on one , take a look at the Mentoring page. To explore teaching in a seminar setting, see the offerings listed below. To contact Josephine with any further questions, e-mail Josephine@essencepresence.com