An Introduction to the 5 Channel Systems of Classical Chinese Medicine
In learning Chinese medicine, we learn to see the body as the living system that it is. Most often, however, we are schooled in only one of the 5 channel systems, the Primary channels. Though they are an important system, the Primary channels, represent only one of the systems of the body. In classical Chinese medical thinking we are comprised of 5 channel systems, systems that include layers more superficial to the Primary channels such as our skin and our sinews, and deeper layers comprised of bone and marrow.
Designed for Licensed Acupuncturists of all backgrounds, both those with lots of experience and those just starting out in practice, this course will provide both theory and treatment guidelines to allow you to easily implement the classical channel systems in your practice. Utilizing all the channel systems and incorporating all the layers of the body, your diagnosis and treatment in any of the channel systems can become far more precise and powerful.
On Day 1 we cover the basic theoretical foundations for the Sinew channels, the Luo channels, the Primary channels, the Divergent Channels, and the Eight Extraordinary vessels from a classical point of view. The unique features of each system are highlighted as well as the disorders and diseases for which each system may be most important and effective.
On Day 2 we examine individual cases, outlining treatment guidelines for each individual case in each of the channel systems. As we explore the unique features of each system with regard to each individual case, you’ll learn the ways in which these features manifest on the pulse, in the spirit and in treatment objectives for each situation.
12 PDA points available through the NCCAOM