Last weekend, I taught a little workshop on nourishing yourself with essential oils and with the idea of essence. Essence is a big idea to me both in the sense of what is the essence of something and the sense of a substance itself that nourishes. A few really interesting things emerged from the discussion. […]
Fire and Essence
Good – the Noun
Here we are in the bitter end of the year. I’m not much for the Gregorian calendar and definitely not much for the traditional New Year’s eve, but I am for saying goodbye to 2020 in a way that feels right and real. In fact, so much of 2020 seems to have been about saying […]
The December Dailies
With light changes, temperature changes, and political changes, December can add up to a kind of stress that strikes at the core of your health, your flexibility and your resilience. Rapid and intense changes can simply overwhelm your capacity to respond flexibly or to find resources for resilience when needed. So, I’d like to invite […]
Nurturing the Smallest Possible Thing
This week is the moment of growth where all you can do is stand and witness. Things are exploding. Each and every living thing is singing, dancing, stretching, greening, waving, waking. You want this movement, this growth and yet it can be overwhelming. You acknowledge that what is growing is still small, still fragile, […]
Making Meaning IS Making Medicine!
This week and last, I have been greatly inspired by The Feedback Fallacy, an article published this Spring in the Harvard Business Review and shared with me by a friend who does lots of coaching. Coaching and mentoring don’t seem exactly the same to me, but I love learning about how adults learn and thinking […]
Full of Medicine
If we fully express who we are, we are said to be “full of power” and expressing our medicine. Angeles Arrien, The Four-Fold Way Medicine these days can be a very confusing situation. What exactly is medicine? Is it Western medicine i.e. the science of health? Is it Eastern medicine, i.e. the art of […]