Let me just start out by saying I was not born in August. I was however, born again yesterday. Yesterday I finally fell into Summer. I walked slowly down the drive, which is really more like a country dirt road since it goes for a good quarter mile, tracking my perceptions. Time slowed down. Time […]
Drinking in the Dark
And drinking in the dark. For the last few days I’ve been living without electric lights, just a few candles strategically placed, but otherwise, no lights. Letting the light limit me has changed how I feel about my resources, brought me home to myself in a way I had not imagined. In many years, I […]
Willing and Unwilling: An Early Morning Meditation on Zhi
I often ask myself: What am I willing to do? What am I willing to take responsibility for? These seem straightforward enough questions in some ways, but as I grow older, I am more and more aware that I cannot know what life will bring and I am more and more wary of what I […]